Sunday, April 3, 2011

Microsoft Word Lesson Plan, Photo Story Lesson Plan

Ø  Teachers will know and be able to use Photo Story 3
Ø  Teachers will know and be able to import pictures
Ø  Teachers will know and be able to customize pictures; color and removing of borders only
Ø  Teachers will know and be able to add audio to their photos
Ø  Teachers will know and be able to preview their Photo Story
Ø  Teachers will know and be able to save their Photo Story
The purpose of teaching this lesson is to instruct teachers on a new technology that they can use with their students to help them create reports, timelines, slide shows, etc. If students are able to construct an assignment or learn through this type of technology, they will be more engaged and find more meaning in what they are learning and creating, especially if they are sharing it with others. Teachers will also be exposing their students to technology and using it to learn and create. This software is free from Microsoft.
Prior Knowledge:
Mr. Labagh (teacher instructing lesson) will ask the teachers what they know about Photo Story 3 and ask if teachers know how to use it. If any teachers are aware of Photo Story 3 or how to use it, Mr. Labagh will ask those teachers when they used this program and for what purpose. If any teachers have used this application, they will be seated next to a teacher that does not know how to use it.

v  6 teacher computers – 1 extra computer for Mr. Labagh
v  Internet Access
v  Projector
v  Projector Screen
v  6 Flash Drives
v  Paper and pencils for teachers that may have questions
v  Headsets with microphones
Photo Story 3 has already been downloaded on each of the 6 computers and on Mr. Labagh’s computer. Photo Story 3 is already loaded on each computer as well as Mr. Labagh’s and it is projected on the projection screen.
Guided Practice:
Mr. Labagh will instruct each teacher to click the option of begin a new story. Mr. Labagh will model this first. After each teacher has made sure that option is checked, the teachers and Mr. Labagh will then click NEXT. Each computer has 3 pictures previously downloaded (red car, tree, and Homer Simpson – he makes me laugh). Each teacher will then select the import pictures option on their screen. Teachers will watch as Mr. Labagh does this on his computer as well. The teachers will select the file folder on the left side of the screen that says, “My Pictures”. Once they left click on this option, the 4 pictures will be shown on their screen. The teachers will select the red car first and left click the okay tab next to the picture name.
Once they do this, the picture will appear on their Photo Story 3 page. The teachers can then begin to make changes to their picture. They will watch Mr. Labagh demonstrate what options can be done to the red car first. Mr. Labagh will left click the edit option under the recently loaded picture. From the edit option, Mr. Labagh will crop the picture and change the effect of the picture by making it black and white. Mr. Labagh will then left click save and then left click close. As Mr. Labagh does this, he will orally explain what he is doing as it appears on the projection screen. Then Mr. Labagh will left click the NEXT option and be able to add text to the picture. Mr. Labagh will type the words, “Hello Teachers” in the text box. He will then change the color to green and change the position of the words so they appear at the top of the car. As Mr. Labagh does this, he will explain each step to the teachers. Mr. Labagh will then left click NEXT on the option menu below the picture and then be able to record his voice. For the first picture, Mr. Labagh will not record anything.
Next Mr. Labagh will ask the class to repeat what they have heard and seen in the demonstration. Mr. Labagh will monitor all 6 students in the class and “walk” the teachers through the steps on the projection screen to give the teachers a visual aide as they are completing the slide. Mr. Labagh will wait until all teachers are able to achieve each step on the first slide.
Once the first slide is complete and Mr. Labagh has checked for progress, assisted any teachers, and checked for progress, Mr. Labagh will return to his computer and show the teachers how to return to the import picture screen to be able to load the next picture. Mr. Labagh will load the picture of the tree. Mr. Labagh will remove the black borders on the picture by selecting the remove border option to the right of the picture by left clicking on this option. After the picture is corrected (black border removed), Mr. Labagh will left click on the OK option and the picture will appear where the first picture appeared. This time, the teachers will watch as Mr. Labagh puts on a head set and records his voice to the picture. Mr. Labagh will click the NEXT option 2x’s to get to the record option. Once there, Mr. Labagh will left click the circle with the red circle in the center. Mr. Labagh will say, “What a pretty tree,” and then left click the stop button. Mr. Labagh will then left click the preview option to hear what it sounds like.
Once this is finished, the teachers will do the same thing they did on the first slide, except this time they will record their voice. The teachers will be instructed to wait for each other before they begin to record their voices.
Mr. Labagh will guide each teacher as needed and repeat the same steps on the projected computer so the teachers can view the steps as they do them. Mr. Labagh will go slowly as he checks for progress.
Once the teachers reach the point of recording their voices, each teacher will place on their headsets and be instructed again how to record and how to stop their recording. The teachers will then record, “What a pretty tree”. The teachers can preview their recording after they have left clicked the stop button.
The teachers will then take off their headsets.
Mr. Labagh will then return to the option of importing pictures. Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to import the picture of Homer Simpson. Mr. Labagh will import the picture at the same time. Mr. Labagh will then inform the students that they can do what they want with this picture. They can edit how it looks, add audio, or both. Mr. Labagh will complete both steps quickly as the students watch on the screen. The students will then be asked to edit the picture to their liking. Mr. Labagh will monitor each student closely and guide as needed.
Once completed, the teachers can preview their slide show. Mr. Labagh will show the teachers how to preview their slide shows by previewing his. As his runs on the projection screen, Mr. Labagh will monitor and guide the teachers as needed. After each teacher has previewed their slide show, Mr. Labagh will show each student how to save their work.
Mr. Labagh will left click the NEXT option and be prompted to the save project page. Mr. Labagh will change the name of the document by typing in the blue highlighted box. Mr. Labagh will type sample_photostory and then left click “Save your story for playback on your computer” and then left click the NEXT button. Mr. Labagh will then left click the SAVE PROJECT option located to the left of the menu options for Photo Story 3. Mr. Labagh will left click the SAVE PROJECT option and save it to his flash drive. Mr. Labagh will orally explain the save process to the teachers as he completes each step. Mr. Labagh will assist any teachers that need guidance during the save process.
Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers what they learned today and how they can apply it in their classroom with their students. Mr. Labagh will answer any questions the teachers may have; including any questions that any of the teachers may have written down. Mr. Labagh will congratulate each teacher for a job well done and give each teacher a Certificate of Achievement for completing the workshop lesson on Photo Story 3.
Links to aide in using Photo Story at home:
Photo story tutorial:
Video Photo Story Tutorial:
To teach this lesson to a group of teachers that have no experience with Photo Story 3, it would be necessary to do this in a small group setting. It will also be easier to make sure each computer is properly working before each teacher arrives with the proper software downloaded as well as any pictures that will be used for this lesson. Each head set should already be plugged into the computer and tested before the lesson begins. I did not show the teachers how to customize their pictures. I instructed each teacher on the “basics” of using Photo story 3. I did not want to ask the teachers to complete more steps than I instructed because I did not want to confuse them. I wanted them to learn the “simple” construction of creating a photo story.
Congratulating the teachers for a job well done is very important. Each teacher needs to feel valued and to feel that they have learned something or they may not attempt to try this software again.
Each teacher must know that there is support when they begin using new technological software. They will use it in their classrooms when they do not feel hindered in using it. Extra practice sessions must be in place for teachers to sign up for if they feel they need more support. Having websites available to teachers is also an important tool. Teachers can research Photo Story 3 at their convenience and can practice at home or in their own space if they feel more comfortable. Teachers can also GooglePhoto Story 3 tutorial” and find hundreds of results that may help them.

 Teachers will know and be able Microsoft Office 2007.
·         Teachers will know and be able to save documents to a flash drive
·         Teachers will know and be able to bullet text
·         Teachers will know and be able to change the font and size of text
·         Teachers will know and be able to cut and paste pictures from other sources on the internet.
·         Computers – 6 teacher computers, 1 computer for Mr. Labagh (teacher giving lesson)
·         Projector
·         Projector screen
·         Internet access
·         Computer lab at Bunker Hill School
·         Flash drives for each computer
·         Paper and pencils for any teacher that wants to take notes
The purpose of teaching Microsoft Word 2007 to teachers is to enable them to use another form of technology that they may not be familiar with (see prior knowledge). Using Microsoft Word assists teachers to create several documents for their students and for personal use. After this software is learned, teachers can create several personalized pages/documents for their students and even parents to foster learning and communication.
Prior Knowledge:
Lead teacher, Mr. Labagh, will check teacher’s prior knowledge on using Microsoft Word 2007. Mr. Labagh will ask if any teachers have used this program before, if they know and can save documents to a flash drive, know and can bullet text,  know and can change the font and size of text, and if they know and can cut and paste pictures and text(s) from other sources on the internet? Students (the other teachers) will respond by a show of hands.  Mr. Labagh will assign seats to the students. Mr. Labagh will place a stronger or more computer savvy person next to a person whom may struggle more on the computer to enable the struggling computer user with extra colleague support if needed.
I have already asked 8 adults in my building if they knew how to do any of these applications on Microsoft Word 2007. 3 teachers knew how to save documents on a flash drive. 2 teachers knew how to cut and paste information/pictures to their document. 4 teachers knew how to change font and color to a section of the document. All teachers knew how to bullet a document in previous Word applications, yet 6 struggled on Microsoft Word 2007. This lesson would be beneficial to the teachers at my school because of the 8 teachers I questioned; no one was able to do all of these by themselves.
After Mr. Labagh has checked prior knowledge, each teacher will sit at their assigned computer work station. Each computer will already be set to a Microsoft Word 2007 document. Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to read the following information to themselves (information already typed to safe time):
Homework for the Week
12/05/2010 – 12/10/2010
Reading: Read pages 15 – 37 in assigned material
Math: complete examples 45 – 67 on page 441
Spelling: write spelling words 3 times each
Penmanship: Practice the letters p, q, d
Social Studies: Read autobiography of Abraham Lincoln on pages 45 – 56 in book and create a timeline of 10 important events and justify the importance of each event
Science: Read about the human Life Cycle on pages 34-45. Complete the questions on page 46. Create a diagram of the human life cycle. Include examples of events that occur in each stage.
This same information will be on Mr. Labagh’s computer which is attached to a projector and is shown on the projector screen in the computer lab.
Application/ Guided Practice:
Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to use their mouse and highlight the phrase Homework for the week by left clicking the mouse in front of the H in homework and while holding down the button, drag the mouse over the entire wording of the phrase. Mr. Labagh will do the same so the teachers can view what to do. Once the information is highlighted, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to let go of their mouse. The phrase should remain highlighted. While highlighted, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to use their mouse and move the cursor to the part of the page that says, “Times New Roman”. Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to select and form of writing they choose after they click the down arrow next to the words, Times New Roman. Mr. Labagh will continue to model how to do this by demonstrating on his own computer. Once the teachers click the down arrow, they can select any type of font they want to use for their document. As they move their mouse over the type of fonts, they can see how the words will look. Once they select a font, they will then use their mouse to adjust the size of the phrase. Mr. Labagh will model. The teachers will be instructed to move their mouse to the number listed next to the font on upper left side of the document. There, they will select the size of the font. After this is done, the teachers will be guided to bold, underline or italicize the selected phrase. The teachers can change and view their options without ever taking the highlight off of the text. If a teacher accidentally clicks the mouse when he/she didn’t want to, Mr. Labagh will guide the teachers as necessary.
Next, Mr. Labagh will show the teachers how to bullet information on a Microsoft Word document.
Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to highlight the subjects listed on the document. He will demonstrate how to do this on his computer attached to the projector. Mr. Labagh will guide as necessary. After each teacher has highlighted the subjects listed, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to look 3 places to the right from where they changed the size of the document. Mr. Labagh will show the exact point on his computer. The teachers will be asked to click the down arrow to the right of the bullet option. Once there, the teachers can select which bullet option they would want to use to help identify each subject. Once they find one they like, they can left click on that option with their mouse. Again, Mr. Labagh will demonstrate first and guide as needed.
Then Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to highlight the dates for the homework section. Mr. Labagh will model and guide as needed. Once the teachers have highlighted the dates, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to find the capital letter A on the left side of the document with the red line under it. This is the option you select to change the color of the words inside the created document. Mr. Labagh will model and ask each teacher to left click the down arrow next to the capital letter A with the red line under it. Once there, the teachers can change the color of the dates. Mr. Labagh will again model and guide as needed. Mr. Labagh will ask the teacher to select a color and by using the mouse, left click on the color they have selected.
After the color of some text is changed, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to watch as he models how to cut and paste a picture from the internet to the document.
Internet Explorer will already be running in the background on each computer and Mr. Labagh will click the tab at the bottom of his computer screen to a previously selected picture of a computer available on the internet. Each teacher will have the same page available to them on their computers. Mr. Labagh will right click on the picture and scroll down to the word cut on the option menu that is displayed once the right click button is pushed. From there Mr. Labagh will go back to his word document which is located at the bottom of the computer screen and left click where he wants to place the picture. After that, Mr. Labagh will right click on his mouse and select the word paste on the option menu available after he right clicks on the mouse.
After each teacher has viewed what Mr. Labagh has done, he will do it two times, he will ask the teachers to use their mouse and left click on their mouse to open the Internet Explorer option located on the tool bar at the bottom of the computer screen. After they have opened this page, each picture will be the same; Mr. Labagh will ask them to use their mouse and right click on the picture and select the cut option. After they have done that, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to use their mouse to open the Word document at the bottom of the screen on their tool bars by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Once the teachers do this and the Word document is on every screen the teachers are using, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to use the left mouse button to select where they would like to place their picture on their document. Once they do this, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to right click on their mouse and select the paste option on the scroll menu. After this is done the picture will appear on the word document. The teachers will be shown how to shrink or enlarge the picture by first watching Mr. Labagh apply this method on his computer for the class to see. The teachers will then left click on their picture and shrink or enlarge their picture by left clicking on the green lines that surround the picture until they have the size that they desire.
Finally, Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to save the word document to their flash drives so they can access their document on any computer with the Microsoft Word application installed. Mr. Labagh will demonstrate how to do this on his computer first. He will use his mouse and left click on the Microsoft icon on the top left of the document next to the word home. After he does this, he will left click on “save as” and left click on the words “word document” (the first option on the screen under save as. Then Mr. Labagh will use his mouse and scroll down to the F drive which contains the flash drive on each computer. Mr. Labagh will left click on this and then type the words technology_lesson and then left click on the save option.
Mr. Labagh will then review the concept with each teacher to make sure they properly save the document to the flash drive attached to their computers.
After each document is saved, Mr. Labagh will shut down the running programs on the computers and give each teacher their flash drive. Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers to write down any questions they had during the technology lesson and place them in his mailbox at the school. If any teachers had time to write questions on their papers during the lesson, they can give them to Mr. Labagh before they leave.
Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers if this program makes it easier to create unique memos, assignments, or letters to students, staff, and parents. Mr. Labagh will ask the teachers what they learned and what other types of technology they would like to learn in the future. Mr. Labagh will answer any questions that may have been written down by the teachers or answer any of the suggestions that they have. If teachers prefer to learn another way, Mr. Labagh will accommodate as helping the teachers become comfortable with the software is the ultimate goal.
Follow Up:
Teachers will need to follow up with this assignment. Doing it once is not enough to become comfortable with it. Each teacher should construct a document at home/or work to give to Mr. Labagh to check their progress and answer any questions they may have.
Also, the teachers were not shown how to move a picture in the document if they decided they wanted to move it at another time or even type over it.
Teachers can also learn about spacing, setting margins, and even adding charts to their documents.
More lessons would be required to show these applications.
Although I have not done this lesson with teachers, I will print out this document for teacher use. Using Microsoft Word 2007 is an important technological use that can incorporate the internet and other Microsoft products to create a document that can be used both personally and professionally.
Free Tutorials teachers can also use to review or further expand their knowledge of this software:


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